Oil paintings, prints, greeting cards and photos of Lake Nojiri (Nagano, Japan)
I grew up spending magical summers at Lake Nojiri, where my parents had a cabin in a rustic international community on a hill overlooking the lake. I learned to swim there, hiked the mountains and soaked up its beauty. I remember swimming through the glassy morning water to the island and sailing with friends to the rope swing. My father loved to paint outdoors, and sometimes took me with him. That was how I learned to paint. My dad died in 2019 at age 93, so this is also a way to carry on his legacy.
For many, Nojiri evokes powerful feelings and nostalgia -- even decades later. If you want a piece of Nojiri in your home, thousands of miles away, or to brighten your cabin, scroll through these paintings to see if there are any that catch your eye. They also make nice gifts for Nojiri lovers. Obviously, you can buy my paintings even if you haven't visited Nojiri too! Be sure to press "Load More" after the first 12 to see more.
Click on the painting for sizes. Prices vary depending on the size and work involved as some subjects are easier than others. I'm continually adding new paintings.
My "wide-angle" canvases (60x30 cm and 90x30 cm) are about 3.5 cm deep, so I am painting around the edges in case you want to display the painting without framing it.
Several pieces that I've painted for commission are also displayed. If you want me to paint a Nojiri scene, send me a photo of what you have in mind (
I also sell packets of ten 5x7 inch greeting cards of paintings of various Nojiri scenes. Scroll down to see them.
Shipping is free! Wherever you are in the world, I'll package the painting, photos or prints and mail to you.
And Prints